How to Identify Tomato Fruit Plant Diseases

With nice planting methods your tomato plants ought to grow up to be strong and healthy with vibrant green leaves and healthy fruit

Identifying Whether Your Plant has a Disease: 
Most tomato plant diseases start appearing on the leaf first so you ought to be inspecting your plant leaves very regularly both topside and underside. You require be looking for brown spots and yellowing of the leaves. Sure tomato fruit diseases also affect the stem and fruit so you require checking these areas also. They will now look at the signs and related tomato disease most likely to affect your plants. 
tomato fruit
Symptom 1: Small Brown spots with dark outlines on mature leaves: Usually the spots have a diameter between 1-3mm, sometimes circled by a yellow patch. If the number of spots increases the leaf will die and drop off. Fortunately this disease is never deadly to the plant and only affects the leaves. To treat Septoria Leaf Spot you ought to remove infected leaves, keep the plant dry if feasible and prevent it touching neighbouring plants. 

Symptom 2: Brown spots composed of circular rings that resemble a shooting target: Unfortunately this disease can also have an effect on the stem and fruit of your plant. You can use like fungicides as used for septoria leaf spot. Remove any ripe or damaged tomatoes directly to prevent spreading of the disease. 

Symptom 3: Small dark circular spots appear on the fruit only: This is possible to be a case of Anthracnose - the most common fruit attacking disease. It usually appears on ripe/over-ripe tomatoes. The fungus can stay in the soil and survive winters. Fungicides can be used to treat the plant and all ripe fruit ought to be removed as soon as feasible.